Christmas 2021 Event Rerun Farming Guide Altera

Event Date Comments.
Christmas 2021 Event Rerun Farming Guide Altera. This is a rerun of the Christmas 2017s Almost Weekly Santa Alter Event with the following changes. New Year 2021 Quick Farming Guide Fate Grand Order Wiki Gamepress. Help Sparrows Inn reach prosperity with Beni-Enma in the New Years 2021 Event.
For convenience the table showing best farming locations for each currency is duplicated below. Sparrows Inn Daily Report. Note that this means the best farming quests for event currency.
The lottery box can only be reset up to 7 times in the rerun no more unlimited resets. 3312018 4192018 EN. Displayed time is based on your.
Christmas 2019 - Nightingales Christmas Carol クリスマス2019 ナイチンゲールのクリスマスキャロル Event Duration JP. Battle for New York 2021. 0100 UTC November 28 2019 1000 JST November 28 2019 - 0359 UTC December 12 2019 1259 JST December 12 2019.